Platelet Rich Plasma Skin Rejuvenation

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Skin Rejuvenation, also referred to as “Vampire” or “True Blood” Skin Rejuvenation, is a leading edge natural approach in anti-ageing facial and body rejuvenation, using the patient’s own blood cells. PRP is the concentrated part of blood that contains the platelets which are the key to the body’s ability to stop bleeding and repair damaged blood vessels and cells in the body. Platelets contain substances called growth factors that activate and rejuvenate cells in the body to regenerate new tissue.

Although PRP Therapy is relatively new in the field of cosmetic enhancements, it has been well-tested and its safety well established in healing sports-related injuries, diabetic ulcers and in orthopaedics. PRP Skin Rejuvenation  has been used in the UK, Europe, Japan and Australia since 2006.

Areas that can be treated are:

  • Around the eyes
  • Cheeks and mid-face
  • Thinning skin on the neck
  • Jaw line and surrounding area under the jaw
  • Back of hands and arms
  • Chest and Décolletage
  • Areas with acne scarring
  • Areas of hair loss
  • Other body areas

PRP Skin Rejuvenation can be performed as a separate treatment or in combination with other surgical and non-surgical procedures. PRP Therapy can safely be combined with other rejuvenating treatments such as dermal fillers or autologous fat transfer, Botox wrinkle treatments and laser skin treatments. The PRP will also help to promote a faster healing and to maintain the results of surgery when used in conjunction with and after surgical procedures such as face lift, neck lift, eyelid surgery and nose surgery.

Who is contraindicated to PRP Therapy?

  • Smokers, drug and heavy alcohol users
  • Individuals with skin disease (SLE, porphyria, allergies)
  • Cancer patients
  • Individuals having chemotherapy
  • Individuals with severe metabolic and systemic disorders
  • Individuals with abnormal platelet function (i.e. blood disorders)
  • Individuals on anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy – aspirin, warfarin, dipyridamole or clopidogril
  • Individuals with Sepsis, acute and chronic infection

How PRP Therapy works

It is well known that platelets have many functions. They also contain tremendous amounts of bioactive proteins, which include important growth factors promoting:

  • Increased collagen production
  • Recruitment of other cells to the site of injury to assist with healing
  • Blood vessel growth
  • Cell differentiation, meaning that all the different cells required for rejuvenation are stimulated
  • Bone mineralization (i.e. making healthier bones)
  • Extra cellular matrix formation. This is the connective tissue that holds everything together and gives it shape and form
  • Tissue adhesion especially in skin flaps, bone grafts and trauma. This means that tissues stick together, giving them strength.

The PRP Skin Rejuvenation Procedure and Results

The procedure begins by first drawing the patient’s own blood into a specially prepared test tube. This tube is immediately placed in the centrifuge for 5 – 8 minutes. The centrifuge spins the blood and separates the red blood cells from the Plasma, producing a golden yellow serum known as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). The PRP is placed in a syringe and is then injected into the deep dermis or fat layer of the skin using very small needles (similar to those used in Botox injections). The various proteins in PRP will gradually increase collagen formation, connective tissue formation, skin tightening and overall rejuvenation of the skin.

The procedure usually takes between 45-90 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated. Results will not be visible for several weeks and, for optimal results, an initial course of 2-3treatments, 4-6 weeks apart is recommended.

Results vary depending on the age, genetic and overall health and condition of the skin. Improvement of skin tone and texture are noticeable within 3weeks. Full collagen regeneration takes about 3 months to complete.
The tissue that has been regenerated and remodelled is permanent, however the ageing process cannot be stopped, and as we get older the problem areas will eventually reappear. Therefore to maintain the result, touch-up treatments are recommended at an interval of 6-24 months depending on the patient’s age and skin condition.

Following the Procedure

The PRP Skin Rejuvenation Procedure requires almost no down time and there is no need for hospitalization. The following should be expected after the procedure:

  • Minimal swelling, bruising to a varying degree and redness for 12-24 hours. Applying cold compresses, keeping the head elevated, and using arnica cream can minimize swelling and bruising.
  • Some patients may experience headache.
  • Some patients may feel faint.
  • A bruise at the site from where the blood has been collected may be visible for 2-3 days.

Risks & Complications

There is almost NO risk of allergic reaction as the PRP is produced from the patient’s own blood and is completely “natural”. In addition, PRP contains a concentrated amount of white blood cells, which is the body’s natural defence against infections. As a result, infection is extremely rare with PRP Therapy. Secondary infection is extremely rare but does occasionally occur.

