Non-Surgical Solutions for the 50’s Age Group

Non Surgical For Generation 50s

Those in the fifties age group are likely to notice the most changes of all. The most significant change in the skin’s complexion will probably be the loss of elasticity with accompanying dryness, due to weakness of the collagen and elastin that are no longer able to support the skin cells adequately.

For females going through menopause, there are likely to be yet further changes in the skin, as during this period the decreased level of oestrogen slows the production of sebum, thus reducing the protection and making the skin drier still. And due to the imbalance of female and male hormones, facial hair can also begin to grow.

Skin pigmentation also becomes more pronounced and spider veins regularly occur, often the result of earlier sun damage to the underlying blood vessels. The skin’s pores can also become bigger, particularly around the cheeks and on the nose.

Overall the skin of those in their fifties will be noticeably thinner, more fragile and more dehydrated than in years gone by.

The most appropriate non-surgical rejuvenation treatments for those in their fifties are those that restore the loss of volume, combat deep lines and wrinkles, age spots, sun damage and uneven skin tone. These treatments include chemical skin peels and treatments that help lift and plump up the skin to produce a supple, more toned and altogether significantly more youthful complexion.

Mr Rezai and his team will listen to your concerns and provide you with appropriate advice and guidance on the most suitable treatments that are likely to lead to the optimum results.

The following are some of the most popular non-surgical treatments for those aged in their fifties:
