When in your twenties, your skin is generally the most important area on which to focus. Even though the twenties is the prime time for your skin, having left behind adolescent acne and looking and feeling youthful and radiant with a well-toned epidermis (outer layer of skin), it is also the very best time to protect against damage in the years to come.
The best way to extend the skin’s youthful look and reduce the effects of aging to a minimum is by protecting it from the sun, wind, pollution and the many other environmental factors. Beautiful skin in your forties and fifties has its origins in how it is cared for in your twenties!
It is much easier to care for the skin now than have to take remedial action in later years. So it is important to have a comprehensive daily skin care routine including, when appropriate, the daily application of an effective sun screen, which will help prevent the pre-mature aging of the skin caused by excessive sun exposure.
It is important to understand that most of the visible damage to the skin which appears in your thirties and forties has actually been there since your twenties. It was simply not yet visible. So if the skin is inadequately cared for now, the damage will certainly become increasingly visible in the future.
The following are some of the most popular non-surgical treatments for those aged in their twenties: