Tuberous Breasts: What Are They and Can It Be Corrected?

Tuberous Breasts: What Are They and Can It Be Corrected?

Tuberous breasts, a condition that can have a significant impact on self-esteem and body confidence, require the expertise of a plastic surgeon to address. Mild cases may go unnoticed by individuals, but those with moderate to severe forms of tuberous breasts often experience psychological strain from an early age.

To fully understand tuberous breasts and explore corrective plastic surgery options, a consultation with a board-certified, highly experienced plastic surgeon is essential. Mr. Allen Rezai, a leading Senior Consultant Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon, based in Harley Street, London and Dubai, is renowned for his expertise in this field. His thorough assessment and examination will provide comprehensive guidance that surpasses the information provided in this article.

What Exactly Are Tuberous Breasts?

Tuberous breast condition, also known as tubular breasts, breast hypoplasia, or constricted breasts, is a congenital condition that affects the shape and development of the breasts. This condition often leads to underdevelopment of breast tissue, resulting in a narrower and elongated appearance. Tuberous breasts are characterised by a lack of fullness in the lower part of the breast, a higher-than-normal breast crease, and, in some cases, enlarged or puffy areolas.

Characteristics Of Tuberous Breast

Let’s delve into the characteristics of tuberous breasts. While tuberous breasts can exhibit various manifestations, the most common characteristics include a constricted base, minimal glandular tissue and breast asymmetry, puffy areolas, and high inframammary folds. The constricted base manifests as a tight, narrow base of the breast, giving it a tube-like appearance. In cases of minimal glandular tissue and breast asymmetry, the breasts may be smaller, less rounded, and further apart, resulting in an unnaturally wide cleavage. Some individuals with tuberous breasts may have puffy areolas due to herniation of breast tissue into the areola area. Lastly, high inframammary folds lead to droopy, long, and constricted breasts.

Tuberous Breast Correction

Thankfully, advancements in plastic surgery offer effective treatments for tuberous breasts. The choice of procedure depends on the severity of the condition. Some alternative procedures include breast augmentation with implants, fat transfer/grafting, and perforator flaps (such as DIEP Flap and TAP Flap). During the initial consultation with Mr. Allen Rezai, a personalised treatment plan will be created, considering factors such as incision location, the correction of deformities, areola herniation, breast droopiness, and asymmetry. If additional volume is required, the type, size, projection, and placement of implants will also be evaluated. The number of stages needed to achieve optimal results will be determined.

In cases ranging from very mild to mild, where a patient is not yet ready for full tuberous breast correction surgery, the primary concern may be the distance between the nipple areola and the inframammary fold. In such instances, breast augmentation alone can be considered. However, it is important to note that achieving optimum results may be challenging in these cases. Internal scoring of skin and tissue may still be necessary, although breast tissue manipulation will be minimised. The incision type will resemble that used in breast augmentation.

Can Tuberous Breasts Be Corrected Without Surgery?

Some individuals may wonder if tubular breasts can be corrected without surgery. While the idea of undergoing surgery can be daunting, it is important to understand that tuberous breasts cannot be rectified without surgical intervention. Non-surgical alternatives may offer some improvement, but they are unable to fully correct this congenital condition. Therefore, for many individuals, undergoing surgical correction is a trade-off they are willing to make to regain self-confidence and achieve the desired positive body image.

Key Things to Do If You Think You Have Tuberous Breasts:

Create a List of Questions/Concerns: If you are currently considering a surgical intervention for tuberous breasts, it is likely that you have already did your research about the condition, the alternative options available, and the surgeon and facility you want. At this point, it is advisable to compile a list of all your questions and concerns before you meet your surgeon. The surgeon should then be capable of providing you with clear and satisfactory answers.

Discuss Expectations: Open communication with the surgeon about expectations is vital. Discuss what you want to achieve from your procedure. You can also request for patient before-and-after photos that you can refer to when describing what you want and do not want. By doing so, you and your surgeon can set a realistic expectation for you. This ensures that you are satisfied with the outcome, enhancing both physical appearance and your overall quality of life.

Consider All Options: A comprehensive discussion about the available surgical options and technique used will empower you to make an informed decision. Factors such as recovery time, potential risks, and long-term outcomes should be carefully considered. It is vital for you to feel assured and confident in your decision, ensuring it is the most suitable option for you.

Detailed Consultation with a Qualified Professional: Finally, the most crucial step is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in addressing tuberous breast conditions. The surgeon will conduct a thorough examination, discuss concerns, and educate the patient on the available options.

Take the first step on the journey towards achieving a more confident YOU. Schedule a detailed consultation with Mr. Allen Rezai in his London Harley Street or Dubai Healthcare City practice to clarify all your concerns, determine your suitability, and discuss your options.

For information about Tuberous Breast Correction in general and see samples of his work visit: Tubular Breast Correction

For details about procedures and treatments or for a consultation, advice and prices from our London clinic please call 020 7580 8001 or use our ONLINE FORM.

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