Create proportion, improve shape, and correct asymmetry for a “natural look”
Breasts are one of the defining features of being female and have a significant influence upon a woman’s appearance and body image.
What constitutes the ideal or perfect female breast is a question with no single correct answer, since it has always depended upon époque, nationality, culture, and fashion trends. Often, creating proportion, improving shape, and correcting asymmetry are the most common reasons why women seek breast surgery.
In spite of the ever-increasing number of breast surgeries carried out each year, the decision to actually proceed with surgery is very personal to you and you owe it to yourself to not take this decision lightly and not be unduly swayed by the opinions of others or by holding unrealistic expectations. The decision should be yours, and yours alone; and this should be founded upon appropriate advice from a highly experienced plastic surgeon.
Under the leadership of Mr Allen Rezai, a leading Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon of Harley Street, London, the clinic’s expert team offers a range of breast surgery procedures, depending on what patients are looking to achieve.
They advocate a “natural look” – one in which the breasts look, feel, and move naturally. Their Plastic Surgeons utilise the least invasive approach possible to achieve the best possible outcome with minimal scarring.
They believe not only in educating each one of their patients as to what is available and appropriate, but also in formulating a personalised treatment plan for each individual.
As Mr. Rezai himself explains, “my team and I at Harley Street London, understand that everyone that walks through our doors is unique – with different anatomies, lifestyles, goals and personal circumstances.
“We also believe that truly successful results are achieved, not only with technical excellence, but with outcomes that best fit your needs and desires. Having treatment with us is a consultative process – we want to understand what it is you want to achieve and guide you towards the best and most effective way of achieving it.”
Common Reasons for Considering Breast Surgery
There are several reasons or conditions that might lead an individual to consider undergoing breast surgery. These include:
- Disproportionate Breasts – Breasts may be either too small or too large.
- Asymmetrical Breasts – Breasts may be asymmetrical in shape and/or size to an extent that makes the individual uncomfortable.
- Deflated Breasts- Loss of volume and sagging possibly following pregnancy or significant weight loss.
- Underdeveloped Breasts – When minimal to no breast tissue is present.
- Breast Deformity – one example is Tuberous breast deformity which is a congenital condition.
- Breast Cancer – Patients who undergo mastectomy and consider reconstructive surgery to restore their breasts.
- Gynecomastia –or over-sized male breasts that may become cause of embarrassment and low self-esteem.
- Breast Revision Surgery – Patient has had previous breast surgery and is simply unhappy with the results.
Keep reading to learn some quick facts about various breast surgeries and underneath each paragraph you can find links to articles about the procedure with more comprehensive information.
These will of course not replace a one-to-one consultation; nevertheless, they can be part of the first step as you begin your research and decision-making process into your desired surgery.
Breast Augmentation Surgery

Indications: Small or underdeveloped breasts, asymmetrical breasts, deflated breasts, breast cancer and/or mastectomy, breast deformity.
Procedure: Breast is enlarged using various sizes, shapes, profiles of silicone breast Implants inserted through an incision and placed in a suitable position. Fat transfer to Breast may also be used however, this is not a suitable option for everyone.
Operation: Takes between 45-60 minutes and is performed under general anesthetic.
Benefits: Breasts in proportion to the rest of the body. Improved confidence.
Recovery: 7-10 days depending on implant placement and patient’s anatomy.
Result: Final result is usually seen between 6-12 months, depending on implant placement and patient’s anatomy. Pregnancy, significant weight fluctuations and ageing will alter the results over time.
Notes: Treatment plan including implant size, shape, profile and placement is personalised for each patient, based on the patient’s height, width of shoulders and hips, chest measurement, anatomy and of course the patient’s wishes.
Breast Uplift Surgery a.k.a Mastopexy

Indications: Droopy and sagging breasts, which may be genetic or a result of significant weight loss, pregnancy, certain lifestyle or simply the effects of the inevitable ageing process.
Procedure: Various techniques and incision patterns are used depending on the degree of the breast, however the common goal is to correct breast ptosis by removing excess skin and repositioning the nipple-areola hence altering breast volume and contour.
Op-Time: Takes between 60-90 minutes and is performed under General Anesthetic.
Benefits: A natural and more youthful breast shape. Improved confidence.
Recovery: 10-14 days.
Result: Result is usually seen between 6-12 months. Pregnancy, significant weight fluctuations and ageing will alter the results over time.
Notes: For added volume and size increase breast implants or fat transfer may be used.
To learn more read: 5 Things You Should Know About Breast Uplift Surgery
Breast Reduction Surgery

Indications: Large, heavy and sometimes pendulous breasts causing considerable physical pain and/or psychological distress.
Procedure: Various techniques and incision patterns are used depending on the required size reduction. The goal is to remove excess glandular tissue, fat and skin, reposition the nipple-areola and create a proportionate breast size and natural breast contour.
Op-Time: Takes between 60-90 minutes and is performed under general anesthetic.
Benefits: More proportionate breast size and improved breast shape, improved self-esteem and confidence and no more physical pain and psychological distress.
Recovery: 10-14 days.
Result: Final result is usually seen between 6-12 months. Pregnancy, significant weight fluctuations, ageing and hormonal will alter the results over time. And sometimes even hormonal changes can significantly increase the breast size.
Notes: There are limitations as to how much tissue can be removed from a breast, without causing complications. What is important is to ensure that the new breasts are symmetrical, balanced and in proportion to the individual’s frame.
To learn more read: 5 Things to Know Before Getting Breast Reduction Surgery
Tuberous/Tubular Breast Correction

Indications: Under-developed breasts, narrow and elongated cylindrical shape, abnormal breast base constriction with little or no breast tissue, enlarged, bulging and herniated nipple areola complex (pigmented area around the nipple), abnormal wide cleavage due to the breasts being far apart. High located breast fold (inframammary fold), fold may be absent in severe cases. Droopy breast that looks long and constricted.
Procedure: A combination of various techniques is normally used depending on the characteristics and severity of the condition. The goal is to release the underlying constricted tissue, widen the constricted base of the breast to a normal size, lower the infra-mammary fold, increase the skin envelope, increase the size of the breast using implant or own tissue, reduce the size of the nipple-areola complex and restore breast symmetry.
Op-Time: Takes between 60 minutes to 3 hours and is performed under General Anesthetic.
Benefits: An improved and more natural and rounded breast shape and projection. Improved confidence.
Recovery: 10-14 days.
Result: Final result is usually seen between 6-18 months depending on the severity of the condition. The result keeps improving over time. Pregnancy, significant weight fluctuations and ageing will alter the results over time.
Notes: Usually in cases of severe tuberous breasts, a second minor surgery is necessary for optimum result.
Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Indications: Breast cancer, mastectomy, breast Injury.
Procedure: The procedure and timing for breast reconstruction depend on each patient’s circumstances and preference. These vary from the use of implants, through to the latest techniques of autologous (living) tissue reconstruction, in which the patient’s own tissue from another part of the body is transferred to the chest area to create the new breast. Sometimes a combination of implant and patient’s own tissue is required to achieve optimum results.
Op-Time: Takes between 2-5 hours depending on type of reconstruction.
Benefits: Brings balance and proportion back to a woman’s body and at the same time restores her sense of self-confidence and self-esteem.
Recovery: 10 days to 3 weeks depending on type of reconstruction.
Result: Final result is usually seen between 9-12 months depending on the type of reconstruction.
Notes: Breast reconstruction is a highly personal choice and the decision process can seem overwhelming. It can sometimes mean undergoing multiple or accompanying procedures. It is important to think both short and long-term. Work with your doctors and plastic surgeon to thoroughly discuss and plan your treatment. A few of the things to consider while planning include: the stage of your breast cancer and any adjunct treatments, your general health and healing ability, your breast size and whether one or both breasts will be reconstructed, your preferences for balance and shape, elected procedures, your downtime and costs. It is important to take time to consider your options so you can feel confident about what you decide.
Male Chest Reduction

Indications: Gynecomastia or enlarged male breast. Enlarged breast can be made up of fatty tissue, breast gland tissue, or a combination of both fatty and glandular tissue.
Procedure: It involves reduction of breast size, flattening and enhancing the chest contours. Techniques used can be liposuction or a combination of liposuction with excision of glands through the areola. In severe cases, where excision of skin is also required, similar techniques as in female breast reduction may be applied.
Op-Time: Takes between 60-90 minutes and is performed under general anesthetic.
Benefits: A natural and more youthful breast shape.
Recovery: 7-10 days.
Result: Final result is usually seen between 6-9 months. Hormonal imbalance, significant weight fluctuations and ageing will alter the results.
Notes: If gynecomastia is caused by hormonal imbalance, it is important to treat that first before undergoing surgery to change the appearance and size of the breast.
To learn more read: Have You Heard Of Gynecomastia Surgery?
Thorough consultation, open communication and personalised treatment plan are key in achieving the best possible outcome.
Checklist to Consider When Contemplating Breast Surgery

To conclude, Mr Rezai shared this checklist of what he believes to be the most important considerations to be taken into account when contemplating breast surgery or any other surgery for that matter.