6 Reasons Breast Reduction Is Better For Your Health

6 Reasons Breast Reduction Is Better For Your Health

Breast reduction surgery or reduction mammaplasty, when performed by a fully qualified and highly skilled plastic surgeon, provides numerous benefits for individuals with disproportionately large breasts. Apart from easing physical discomfort and boosting confidence, there are other additional benefits from breast reduction surgery worth noting.

Before we delve into these benefits that might make you want to have surgery right away, it is important to note that the decision to undergo breast reduction is a decision you should make with the consult of a board certified and fully qualified plastic surgeon. Mr. Allen Rezai, leading Senior Consultant, Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon in Harley Street London and in Dubai Healthcare City can provide you an expert guidance through a thorough consultation and assessment.

1. Enhanced Physical Activity:

Engaging in physical activities can be difficult or uncomfortable for individuals with large breasts. Breast reduction surgery makes exercise more manageable and encourages a more active lifestyle, leading to improved cardiovascular health, weight management, and overall physical fitness.

2. Emotional Well-Being and Body Image:

Large breasts can have a significant impact on an individual’s body image and self-esteem. Breast reduction surgery often enhances self-confidence and promotes a more positive body image, resulting in improved mental health and overall well-being.

3. Correction of Posture Issues:

Carrying excess breast weight can lead to poor posture, which may cause long-term spinal issues. Breast reduction surgery helps alleviate the strain on the spine, allowing for better posture and reducing the risk of related health problems, such as chronic back pain.

4. Reduction of Migraines and Headaches:

Individuals with large breasts may frequently experience headaches and migraines due to muscle strain in the neck and shoulders. Breast reduction surgery can significantly alleviate these symptoms, reducing the frequency and severity of headaches and improving overall quality of life.

5. Improved Sleep Quality:

Large breasts can cause discomfort that interferes with comfortable sleeping positions, leading to disrupted sleep patterns. Breast reduction surgery can improve sleep quality by reducing discomfort and facilitating more restful nights.

6. Possible Decreased Risk of Breast Cancer:

Although breast reduction surgery is not performed as a preventive measure for breast cancer, some studies suggest a potential decrease in overall breast cancer risk for individuals who undergo reduction mammaplasty. In essence, by reducing the amount of breast tissue that could potentially undergo cancerous transformation, the risk of developing breast cancer is also lowered. All patients are still strongly advised to undergo routine cancer screening and examination to ensure early detection and intervention if needed, regardless of undergoing breast reduction surgery or not.

Making The Best Possible Decision For You

The choice to pursue breast reduction surgery goes beyond cosmetic considerations, offering a diverse range of health advantages. You do not have to live in pain or discomfort, or deal with other severe inhibitions from the size and weight of your breasts. By addressing physical discomfort, improving emotional well-being, potentially reducing the risk of breast cancer, and promoting an active lifestyle, this surgical intervention can improve an individual’s holistic health and overall quality of life.

Most breast reduction patients are more than happy with their results and enjoy their life with the relief that comes from natural and well-proportioned breasts. If you are considering a breast reduction, schedule a detailed consultation with Mr. Allen Rezai at his practice in London, Harley Street or at Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group in Dubai Healthcare City, to determine your suitability and create an individualised treatment plan for achieving the best possible outcome for you.

For information about Breast Reduction in general and see samples of his work visit: Breast Reduction Surgery

For details about procedures and treatments or for a consultation, advice and prices from our London clinic please call 020 7580 8001 or use our ONLINE FORM.

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