These 5 Procedures Can Give You Glass Skin

These 5 Procedures Can Give You Glass Skin

The K-beauty trend of glass skin, which refers to a smooth, hydrated, and luminous complexion that resembles glass, has become popular thanks to TikTok and dedicated face serums. It should be noted that the concept of attaining “glass skin” does not revolve around achieving a flawless or pore-less complexion overnight, as such an objective would be deemed unrealistic. Getting this on-trend clear, pore-less  and dewy-looking skin is essentially about bringing one’s skin to its optimal state of health and vitality.

While skincare products can help, in-office procedures such as ones offered at SkinCision By Allen Rezai MD clinic, founded by Mr. Allen Rezai–renowned Senior Consultant Plastic Surgeon in Harley Street, London and Dubai Healthcare City, can be even more effective at attaining glass skin. These procedures specifically target various skin concerns like hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and texture issues, resulting in a clear, smooth, and radiant complexion that lasts longer than a moisturiser.

Here are the recommended treatments:

1. Morpheus8:

This radiofrequency microneedling treatment combines microneedles and radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen and elastin production. It creates thousands of tiny injuries that heal without visible scarring, resulting in renewed, glowing skin. SkinCision By Allen Rezai MD Signature Morpheus8 Gold, includes Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for enhanced results and speed-up the healing process. This advanced treatment works for all skin tones and has a social downtime of up to three days.

2. Forma:

Famous for its immediate post-treatment glow, Forma is a non-invasive skin tightening procedure that stimulates collagen production, through delivering controlled bi-polar radiofrequency energy. Forma effectively addresses skin laxity and helps achieve a smoother, tighter, more contoured, and fresher appearance.

3. Intense pulsed light (IPL) Treatment:

Ideal for fair to medium skin tones, IPL targets pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, and redness by emitting broad-spectrum light that penetrates the skin. One of the most effective and powerful IPL in the market is Lumecca, it delivers wider 500-600 nm of light wavelength which means that it can safely treat variety of lesions with fewer sessions. Lumecca IPL also stimulates collagen production, breaks down melanin, and improves skin tone and texture. IPL is not recommended for Fitzpatrick skin types IV through VI.

4. Chemical peels:

Chemical peels remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells to reveal smoother and more radiant skin. Different acids like glycolic, lactic, and salicylic acids can be used to improve skin texture, tone, and reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. A TCA chemical peel can also be customised to achieve a glassy sheen on the regenerated epithelium.

5. Hydrafacial:

This non-invasive medical-grade facial involves cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing the skin. It delivers antioxidant-rich active ingredients to replenish and can be customised with different boosters to address specific concerns like fine lines and dullness. Hydrafacial improves skin texture, reduces pore appearance, and enhances overall skin radiance, making it suitable for maintaining the glass-skin look between other treatments.

Although these treatments are great steps to achieving the glass skin look, it should be noted that every skin is unique. Results may vary depending on a number of factors including your skin type, age, and lifestyle. Glass skin is not about achieving the impossible, but rather, your best skin possible. What is important, is to adapt a holistic approach when it comes to achieving your crystal-clear, pore-less, and dewy-looking skin. This means that a personalised treatment plan including your home-care routine should be tailored for you through a detailed consultation with an expert.

If you are unsure where to begin, schedule an initial thorough consultation at SkinCision By Allen Rezai MD and let us create a bespoke treatment plan for your every skin needs.

For details about procedures and treatments or for a consultation, advice and prices from our London clinic please call 020 7580 8001 or use our ONLINE FORM.

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