Thinking of booking breast enhancement surgery? World renowned Plastic, Aesthetic & Restorative Consultant Surgeon Mr Allen Rezai shares his wealth of experience and expert advice on achieving a beautifully natural look.
Breast augmentation is by far the most popular procedure requested by women around the world.
Irrespective of anything you may have heard, there are absolutely no medicines or exercises currently available that increase the sizes of breasts permanently… and evenly. At present, the only recognised technique for increasing breast size is to insert an implant into a space created behind the person’s own breast tissue. However, during recent years fat transfer has also been introduced as an alternative method to increase the size of a breast; but depending on the amount of usable fat in your body, this procedure may need to be repeated few times to achieve the desired result (whereas using an implant is a one-time procedure.)
“Contrary to popular belief, natural results in breast augmentation surgery are achievable with both round – as well as teardrop – shaped implants,” explains expert London Harley Street Surgeon Mr Allen Rezai MD.
“What is the secret, you may ask? Well, think of it as being a little like going shoe shopping. You wouldn’t buy a pair of shoes too big or too small for your feet – nor would you buy a pair that were too tight or too wide for you. You’d purchase a pair in the right size, shape and width for your feet… shoes which fit your feet perfectly – or as close to perfectly, as possible! The same concept applies to breast implant surgery. Similarly to shoe sizing, you’ll receive a bespoke treatment plan with the right implant shape, size, profile and placement based on your indications – all of which are crucial in achieving natural results; or the perfect fit.”
Achieving natural-looking breast enhancement is as much an art as it is a science. Mr Rezai is a firm believer that the ultimate goal with breast augmentation surgery (or any other type of breast surgery for that matter) should be creating proportion between chest area and rest of the body. Many times, choosing implants that are too small for your build can look as unnatural as having too large implants. Creating proportion should be the main objective when it comes to achieving a “natural look”.

There is no set method in achieving natural-looking results. Instead, the treatment plan should be personalised for each patient; as every individual is different in terms of anatomy, lifestyle and preference.
During consultation, Mr Rezai will examine his patients, taking necessary breast measurements. Based on these – and his observations, he can then recommend a size range and profile that fits the patient’s anatomy; to provide natural results.
Mr Rezai evaluates the following factors when creating a bespoke treatment plan:
- Patient’s height, width of shoulders & hips, ribcage, chest anatomy and measurements,
- Patient’s desired upper breast tissue fullness and overall look,
- Amount and distribution of breast tissue, i.e. more lower breast tissue or equally distributed,
- Suitable placement for the implants, i.e., submuscular, subglandular, subfascial or dual plane,
- Elasticity of breast tissue and skin,
- Implant size.
He also encourages patients to try various implant profiles within the size range recommended – in a non-padded bra, in front of a mirror; so he can then guide them through / show them the type of outcome they should expect to achieve with each profile.
Mr Rezai believes in only performing surgeries and treatments that are truly in the patient’s best interest; so if he deems a shape, size or profile unsuitable for their frame, he will let them know and explain the reasons why.
Ultimately, patients have the final say in choosing an implant size and profile, unless what they opt for is too big for their frame and would increase the risk of complications in the short – or long-term. At this stage, Mr Rezai will intervene and sometimes reject a patient, as he knows that she will damage her body by opting for a large size or a certain implant profile.
Mr Allen Rezai explains, “Normally, all patients I consult with appreciate my honesty and guidance regarding breast implants. However, if following consultation, I notice that a patient is unsure of or disagrees with my recommendation in terms of implant size, profile and placement, I advise them to consult one or two other experienced plastic surgeons prior to making a decision. It is always good to compare different opinions and see which one you feel good with.
You should be cautious of plastic surgeons who prefer to use a single type of implant shape or profile regardless of suitability – or those who agree with everything you say and want, without considering your indications. Instead you should look for a surgeon who discusses all available options with you and explains why he or she recommends a specific option, implant type or profile for you. The ultimate goal with natural look breast augmentation is to achieve a natural outcome; with a minimal risk of complications.”

It is important to keep in mind that breast implant selection is a long-term life decision… you are not looking for short-term satisfaction, instead you should consider your lifestyle and think about how your breasts will look in the future – as much as how they will look in the first year after surgery; and select a size, shape and profile that will provide you with long-term satisfaction. This decision can be overwhelming for many patients – and ultimately it is your choice, but remember that your surgeon is there to guide you through this process and to help you make the right decision.
A thorough, in person consultation with a skilled plastic surgeon is vital in creating a truly bespoke treatment plan. It’s during this meeting you can discuss your goals with wanting surgery, and what your preferences are in terms of the “look” you aspire to achieve. It’s paramount that you take your time when researching plastic surgeons – one of the most important considerations a patient should have is selecting a plastic surgeon who is skilled, honest and who will discuss all aspects of the procedure (including all surgery & implant associated risks / complications) in detail – and who provides realistic expectations of the outcome. As a doctor, it’s important to take the time to fully understand patients’ expectations and goals with any kind of surgery. Dr Rezai believes that honest, open, two-way communication, is another key factor in achieving a successful, natural looking outcome that you’re happy with.
Mr Rezai's Top Tips When Choosing A Surgeon For Natural Looking Breast Enhancment Surgery
A list of important considerations to be taken into account when contemplating breast surgery and choosing a surgeon.
- Think about the change you want to see, then research and find out as much information as possible about the treatment. Be open & precise about what you want and, above all, be open to all your wishes not being achievable. Manage your expectations.
- Find a qualified plastic surgeon experienced in breast surgery. Make sure that he or she is board certified… and look for “genuine” reviews and feedback from previous patients.
- Have consultations with at least 2 or 3 qualified and experienced plastic surgeons. It’s always good to have something to compare and cross-check.
- Be honest about your medical history. Make sure to discuss all aspects of the surgery with your chosen plastic surgeon. Do not be afraid to ask questions, since it is important to know all the risks involved and feel comfortable with the person who will be carrying out your surgery.
- Your plastic surgeon should be able to explain why he/she recommends a certain type of treatment option or technique. As with all cosmetic surgery, the type of technique used depends on many factors – including the patient’s indication for treatment, anatomy and lifestyle. The treatment plan should be tailored to suit the specific needs of the patient.
- Thoroughly research the type of breast implants offered to you. Find out more about the implant manufacturer, how long the implants have been on the market, their track record and what type of guarantees come with the implants.
- Find out what type of care is offered before, during, and especially after the surgery. After-care is just as important as the surgery itself… so make sure you know who to contact and how you will be looked after; especially if there are any complications or problems following your surgery.
- Find out where the surgery will be performed. This can have major implications on safety during the operation and the occurrence of possible risks and complications.
- Last but not least, “COOL OFF” before you commit. Cosmetic surgery is not a decision to be taken lightly, as it is after all, surgery. Take your time and reflect on all aspects of the proposed breast surgery, and make sure you understand all the implications involved before you make an informed decision to proceed.