Chin enlargement through chin implant surgery brings the facial features into harmony and balances the overall facial structure. A chin implant enhances the contours, creates a more pleasant facial expression, lengthens the neck and results in a more defined and sculpted jawline. Chin implants come in various shapes and sizes and may be used alone or in combination with other facial procedures to provide symmetry and to create a balanced face. Once healed, the implant becomes attached to the jawbone and it cannot be moved, felt or dislodged by physical contact, sports or facial expressions.
A strong, well-defined chin adds proportion, creates symmetry and provides balance to other facial features. A small or weak chin can make the neck appear undefined as well as give the lower face a “pouty” expression. It also accentuates the size of a normal nose and makes a large nose seem especially big in the profile view.

Sometimes temporary dermal fillers or fat transfer can be used to define average to moderate chins. However, in general, chin implant surgery is more predictable with long lasting, permanent results. If a patient is in doubt about having chin implant, fillers can be a good alternative for them to see the potential effects of a chin enhancement.
Genioplasty, or surgical reshaping of the jawbone is also another option to improve a recessed chin, however, it is a more complex procedure which is mainly used in reconstructive surgery for correction of deformities or in cases of severe receding chin which are not suitable for chin augmentation with use of chin implants.
Mr Rezai, leading Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon of Harley Street, London, says: “Chin augmentation using implants is by far the most popular solution employed for improving a weak or recessed chin. It is a gentle and straightforward surgical procedure that adds volume and structure to the jaw and brings proportion back to the face without altering the patient’s given natural-anatomy.”
Individuals who would benefit from Chin Implant Surgery are:
- Those with mild to moderate receding / Recessed chin
- Those with jowls and undefined neck
- Those with pointed or squared chin
- Those with prominent nose
- Those with congenital or post-traumatic defects
- Those with realistic expectations and who are in good health

Chin Implants
Today, chin implants are made of alloplastic (non-biologic) materials with high bio-compatibility, such as silicone, ePTFE (Gore-Tex) or high-density porous polyethylene (Medpor). Chin implants come in various pre-formed shapes and sizes suitable for both men and women. Variables taken into consideration include thickness, height and point of maximal projection. The chin implant may be further refined during placement to adjust the shape and accommodate the specific needs of the patient.
The Chin Augmentation Surgery
There are two options for insertion of a chin implant. It can either be inserted through the mouth where the upper lip joins the gum (intra-oral positioning) in which case there will be no external scarring, or through an incision made underneath the chin (sub-mental positioning) with a pocket created between the soft tissues of the chin and the prominence of the jawbone. Both are reasonable options; however Mr Rezai prefers the intra-oral incision as it does not result in visible scarring.
The procedure begins by making an incision inside the mouth, where gum and lower lip meet. A pocket is then created and the implant is inserted into the pocket over the front of the jawbone. For aesthetic surgeries using silicone implants, the implants do not usually need to be fixed to the bone as it is sufficiently secured within the pocket created. After implantation, the incision is closed using dissolvable stitches and a dressing is applied to support the chin implant while your face heals and to reduce the risk of infection.

The shape of the chin has a remarkable influence on the overall appearance of the face and neck. Improvement of the chin can provide positive effects on other facial features that you might not anticipate. Once positioned, chin implants will look and feel like normal bone. Over the healing period, the implant becomes attached to the jawbone and it cannot be moved, felt or dislodged by physical contact, sports or facial expressions. The anatomical shape ensures that implants blend into the jawbone and deliver smooth transitions. Results of chin augmentation are generally associated with a high degree of patient satisfaction.
Combination Procedures with Chin Implant
All structural features of the face (nose, chin, cheeks) are linked and need to be in proportion to one another in order to obtain facial harmony and balance. Whether the aim is to improve facial feature structure or to rejuvenate, the best results are often achieved when facial procedures are combined.
Chin and nose are the most prominent features that make up the profile, and if not in proportion, they can affect the facial balance immensely. The size of the chin may magnify or minimise the actual perceived size of the nose. Thus the aesthetic improvement of the facial profile of a rhinoplasty is often vastly enhanced if combined with a chin augmentation.
In terms of facial rejuvenation, combining a chin augmentation with face or neck lift procedure, often significantly improves the results and help redefine both jawline and neck. Sometimes in conjunction with a chin augmentation, liposuction of the neck is also performed for a particularly dramatic improvement and rejuvenation of the jawline. In women, the neckline is contoured and made more long and elegant and in men a more athletic and younger look is achieved.
Last but not least, fat transfer (fat grafting) and facial implants also work well in together, implants enhance the underlying bone structure and fat transfer the overlying soft tissues.

The Importance of a thorough Consultation
The importance of the initial consultation cannot be overemphasized. At your consultation, Mr. Rezai will fully discuss every aspect of your aesthetic goals and address any concerns you may have; he places the utmost importance on providing his patients with all the information they need to make fully informed decisions, ensuring each one arrives at the outcome that’s best for them.
Your medical history will be discussed with you. It is important that you answer all questions as honestly and accurately as possible as failure to do so can have significant clinical repercussions.
Relevant measurements will be taken to assess chin positioning and possible facial disharmony and to determine the degree of projection required. Proportions, facial structure and aesthetic preferences are taken into account, and a functional analysis can identify bone quality and whether an underlying dental occlusion is present. Based on these findings a suitable chin implant is selected.
Working together during your consultation, a bespoke surgical plan will be developed for you. Mr. Rezai will explain in detail the treatment options available, the techniques that would be used, and any potential risks and complications you need to be made aware of. Mr. Rezai passionately believes in natural results, and he will use his expertise and experience to guide you towards the best option, considering your anatomy, aesthetic goals, and personal circumstances.
For more information about Chin Implant surgery, or other types of facial surgery offered by Mr. Allen Rezai, Book Your Consultation or call +44 20 7580 8001