Blepharoplasty – Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery

Eyes are known to be the “windows to the soul”. Unfortunately, they are also one of the first areas to show signs of ageing which are not easy to hide, and they make you look fatigued and older than you should. Many people tend to make assumptions about a person’s age or the mood they’re in, based on the appearance of their eyes, but many times, these assumptions can be quite erroneous.

Eyelid Surgery, also known as Blepharoplasty, removes excess skin, muscle and sometimes fat from the upper and/or lower eyelids for a more energetic, brighter, and youthful appearance.

Advancing years result in our skin naturally losing some of its elasticity and a weakening of the muscles in our face. This can result in the fat that naturally sits around the eye (to protect and cushion it) protruding through the weak muscle and producing more pronounced eye-bags.

Upper eyelid excess skin and fat can create a heavy looking eyelid, aged appearance, puffiness, and sometimes block vision. Upper blepharoplasty is performed to remove excess skin and fat and can improve vision.

In the lower lid, the effect can be deepening furrows or creases. Lower blepharoplasty is performed to remove excess skin, reduce wrinkles, and improve the shape of the lower eyelid by removing skin and fat. Sometimes tightening the eyelid is needed to correct droopiness or sagging. Adding fat or dermal fillers is done to improve a “hollowed” appearance.

Double eyelid surgery (sometimes termed Asian eyelid surgery) is performed to create an upper eyelid crease.

There are non-surgical options for treating sagging and puffy eyelids depending on the extent of the condition. These options are mainly for individuals who are not yet ready or do not have the indications for surgery. Injectable fillers may be used to reduce the hollow appearance or dark circles beneath the lower eyelids, while Muscle relaxing injections can improve the appearance of the upper eyelids by creating a lift to the eyebrows.  However, it should be noted that these treatments are not permanent and do not remove excess skin, but they may improve the look of subtle changes of the eye lids.

It is important to understand that Eyelid surgery will not change the basic structure of one’s eyes and it is not a reconstructive procedure. It won’t correct sagging eyebrows, asymmetry, or crow’s feet wrinkles. To achieve one’s aesthetic goals, sometimes, it is necessary to combine the eyelid surgery with a browlift, facelift or non-surgical procedures.  Your suitability for treatment, whether it being surgical or non-surgical can only be determined following a through consultation and assessment.

Before & after photos

To view before and after photos, please refer to the gallery page: Blepheroplasty/Eyelid Surgery Before & After

Indications for Eyelid Surgery
What to consider at this stage
Blepharoplasty - surgical technique & procedure
Blepharoplasty - the procedure
Following the operation
Risks & complications
How long will the results of your blepharoplasty last?