VASER Liposuction

VASER Liposuction, known by the commercial name VASERlipo®, is an advanced type of High-definition Liposuction. The initials stand for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance which is the technique embodied by this third-generation ultrasound-assisted liposuction tool that delivers energy in pulses through a specially designed probe.

The minimally invasive ultrasound technology employed in the VASER Liposuction procedure spares important tissues while targeting fat, resulting in significant results with minimal damage to surrounding tissue. It is powerful enough to eliminate substantial areas of fat but gentle enough to treat delicate areas such as the neck and arms. It can even produce results in areas that have already been treated by other methods.

VASER Liposuction is able to treat the following body areas:

  • Abs, hips and love handles
  • Female breasts and the male chest
  • Back, buttocks and thighs
  • Jowls, chin and neck
  • Arms
  • Knees, calves and ankles

The procedure also permits multiple body areas to be treated during a single operating session.

Benefits of VASER Liposuction

  • Only a single procedure is typically required, resulting in quick recovery times
  • Improved body contouring results compared to traditional liposuction
  • Large amounts of stored fat are readily removed
  • Smoothes the skin even in delicate areas like the arms and neck
  • Refines and accentuates the appearance of muscles

Candidacy for VASER Liposuction

Patients for High-definition Liposuction procedures, including VASER Liposuction, can be male or female and should be in good general health. Whilst both small and large volume fat removal is possible using the VASER method, the most appropriate candidate is a patient who is close to their ideal body weight and already has good muscle tone.

Liposuction can be considered by those who are frustrated by the resistance of certain body areas to diet and exercise, and VASER Liposuction in particular can help those seeking a fast, minimally invasive way to lose stubborn fat deposits.

However, patients must also understand that Liposuction of any type is most definitely not a treatment for weight loss or obesity.

Comparison with other types of Liposuction

Traditional Liposuction. This is suction-assisted Liposuction and the most frequently-performed method. This tends to have greater blood loss than VASER Liposuction, and it is difficult to obtain good results with fibrous tissues, such as love handles, bra rolls, and in male patients.

Power-Assisted Liposuction. This is the speediest type of Liposuction and similar to the suction-assisted method. However, because of some difficulty in controlling the device, it can result in contour irregularities and residual bumps.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction/Laser Lipolysis. This method destroys fat by heating the tissue. However it can typically treat only small pockets of fat. It can also cause thermal damage to important tissues. This technique is not suitable for use in conjunction with Fat Transfer procedures.

The VASERlipo / VASER Liposuction Procedure

  • VASER Liposuction can be performed either under local anaesthetic with sedation or under general anaesthetic. However if more than two areas are to be treated at one time, an overnight hospital stay is advisable.
  • The targeted area is injected with a special saline solution (tumescent fluid) to numb the area and shrink local blood vessels. This also temporarily expands the volume of the target area, making fat cells easier to remove.
  • Small probes are then inserted into the body through small (5mm) stab incisions. These probes resonate at a high ultrasonic frequency, shaking fat cells loose while leaving surrounding tissues intact.
  • The loose fat cells mix with the tumescent fluid and are suctioned out of the body through very small 2.2-3.7mm cannulae.
  • The operation takes from 1 to 6 hours depending upon on the volume of fat to be removed.
  • Many patients return home the same day. Larger cases will require an overnight hospital stay for 1 night.
  • Following surgery, patients are prescribed a recovery regimen to promote maximum skin retraction and smooth results.
  • Patients wear a tight support dressing for 4-6 weeks.
  • For those not engaged in physical work, expect to return to work after 7 to 10 days.
  • A moderate level of exercise can be resumed after 2 weeks.
  • Anticipate returning to normal physical exercise after 4 to 6 weeks.

At consultation, Mr Rezai will advise upon a highly personalised treatment plan.

Following the operation

As with all surgery, patients must expect to feel bruised and sore. The treated areas are likely to be swollen. Patients wear a special compression garment to help skin contract smoothly to the body’s new contours. A short period of rest (typically 12 hours) is recommended, followed by two to four weeks of general recovery when strenuous activities should be avoided.

As with the great majority of surgical wounds, those related to lipoplasty will continue to heal for more than one year. It is important to remember that the ‘wounds’ in question relate to the whole area operated upon, and not only to the small areas where the incisions were made.

Risks & Complications

Cosmetic surgery is amongst the very safest of medical procedures. However, all patients must understand and accept that no surgical procedure is absolutely free from risk.

For further information concerning the risks and complications associated with Liposuction, please refer to Risks and Complications of Liposuction.

At Consultation, Mr Rezai will discuss these risks with you.

Results of VASER Liposuction Surgery

Noticeable results vary according to the amount of fat removed, the number of areas treated, and other factors. However it is frequently reported that results are immediately noticeable following the VASER Liposuction procedure. Results will continue to improve as the body heals, with final results typically being seen in about three to four months.

If weight gain or weight loss is experienced following surgery, it will tend to be proportionately distributed over the entire body. Normal aging changes can also be expected.

Liposuction can produce considerable benefits, and these benefits last exceptionally well. The result is permanent, since the removed fat cells will not regenerate. By maintaining a sensible weight, and also by exercising, the patient will be helping to both maintain and even improve the result of their surgery.

Fat Transfer Procedures

Many patients choose to have fat removed from one area of the body using a VASER Liposuction procedure and transfer it to accentuate or contour another area of the body. This is known as a Fat Transfer Procedure. Fat cells treated and removed by VASER Liposuction are typically of high quality and are thus viable to be re-introduced into the body in a Fat Transfer Procedure. Unlike synthetic fillers that are short-lasting, re-injecting a patient’s own fat can produce natural looking results that last longer, with no risk of rejection.

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